October 17, 2008

busy, busy

Sorry we have not been posting anything for a while now. It seems like we don't have 5 spare minutes these days. I'm sure everyone of you has the same problem. Our kids are involved in so many things now after school and on weekends, it takes up ALL of our free time. They love it though and so do we. We have some days where their lessons overlap and I am driving all over as quickly as I can to get everyone where they need to be on time.
Kennedy is taking tennis and LOVES it. She is getting pretty good and has a super fun teacher. Her and Tommy are also on a swim team which they enjoy. Tommy is in swimming as well as taking ukulele lessons and an archery class. I'm sure you can all guess which is his favorite! Our friend Ted is already telling Tommy that he wants to take him bow hunting wild boar on the Big Island! Roger is also taking a ukulele class as well once as week for 2 hours. He wasn't going to take the class since it would require him to be away from us one night a week but I encouraged him to try it out and am so glad I did. He really likes it and is actually getting pretty good. Isabelle is the busiest of us all - she is still in hula as well as swimming twice a week and in tennis lessons too! She is a social butterfly at all of her classes and makes new little friends wherever she goes.


Roger That said...

Wow, I thought I was busy. Looks like you guys are finding too many things to do on that island! Your kids are so cute and getting so big. Can I come stay and be one of your kids for a while...I have always wanted to take tennis lessons;)