October 17, 2008

Roger's mainland visit

Roger was really happy to be able to go home last week and spend some time with his parents. His dad's health has gotten worse so Roger decided he should go home and see him. He stayed for about 6 days, which wasn't long enough, but he was really glad that he was able to spent that time there. This is definitely the one drawback to living here in Hawai'i. We all wish we could be closer to Roger's family right now and are missing them and thinking of them every minute. I know it is something that is always on Roger's mind and it is so hard for me to see him go through all of this being so far away. We are lucky that Roger has such an amazing sister who has been there every weekend now for as long as we can remember. Debbie, Dave and their girls have all sacrificed a lot these past few months and we hope they know it has not gone unnoticed. We are thankful for them every day.