November 18, 2008

enjoy the little things

With all of our traveling around we have not been to the beach in a while. Isabelle and I decided to walk over this morning and spend an hour or so. Isabelle built this great sand castle. It started out to be two houses (one for her and one for me). At the last minute she wanted them to be together so she made the little center piece to connect them. I thought she did a great job finding things to be her doors, windows, plants and even dogs! She was very proud and I was SO glad I had thought to bring my small camera.Casita del Mar

While we were at the beach Sue called to see if we would go look at a sofa with her. We ran home, swimsuits and all and picked her up to go. After we checked it out we decided to stop by the new Yogurtland in Manoa. It was Sue's first time so Isabelle was happy to show her how it worked. Thanks again for the treat Sue!


Anonymous said...

Love your Blog, and by the way I would like to wish you a very late Happy Birthday. The kids are sure growing up. When are you coming to Utah again? By the way did court go ok? Your Friend Lana

The Gonzalez Family said...

We showed the kids the sand castles and they can't wait to get back to sunny Hawaii to play in the sand - it's 70 degrees here but because it's so dry - we are freezing!

Chellie said...

Seriously cute! I want to come and visit you.