September 15, 2008

For Tia Ash and Tio Ahmad

This was Ashlee and Ahmad's song at their wedding. Ever since we all listened to Ashlee play it ( and sing it) over and over at our house leading up to the wedding my kids have all loved it. Isabelle asks me to turn it on almost every time we get in the car. She loves to sing along and thinks she knows it word for word. If I ever try to sing along with the real words she tells me I am singing it wrong! I decided to put a clip of her singing it for her Tia and Tio. My camera will only record for so many minutes so the last part is cut off...sorry!


Sartori Fam said...

That is the cutest thing that I have ever seen!

Anonymous said...

THANK YOU SO MUCH Isabelle! We love it. Love, Tia Ash, & Tio Ahmad

Katie Dotson said...

That was way too cute!