August 9, 2009

summer in a nutshell

I realize it has been a very long time since I have posted anything to our blog. I hear about it almost daily now:) I am going to start posting again and I am going to start with pictures from a few months ago and TRY to catch up! I am not going to do a lot of writing with these pictures (it takes too long). Sorry.
In a few words this was our past 3-4 months. Ty came out in May and stayed with us for about 3 weeks before the other kids and I flew back to Utah with him mid-June. We spent a couple of weeks there before Roger flew in and joined us. Debbie, Dave, Gabi, Camila and Virginia also drove out from CA and stayed at my parents with us as well. We had a really nice time visiting with both sides of our families as well as catching up with friends. After another week in Utah Roger, Isabelle and I flew home. While Kennedy and Tommy were spending their summer time with their dad we had a fun weekend at the Ko'Olina Beach Club. It was a lot of fun, but not quite the same without the other kids.:( About a week later though we had a wonderful visit from Memo (Roger's cousin), Elizabeth and Zachary. Isabelle and Zach had a great time together and were even mistaken for twins!!! We shared fun times with them that we will never forget. - thanks again Memo, Liz & Zach - we miss you guys! The same day that the Escamilla/Lawton family left we got our Ken and T back! We tried to fit an entire summer's worth of fun into just a few days before school started. School started on July 30th with Kennedy being a freshman in High School, Tommy is in the 5th Grade and Isabelle soon to be starting Kindergarten at the same school as Tommy. On the 2nd day of school we ended up at Kapiolani Hospital with Tommy having to get his appendix taken out. It had already ruptured by the time we got there and they did an emergency appendectomy right away. He is doing well now and ready to return to school in the morning. My mom flew out this past week to help out with the kids and be here for us. We are really enjoying her company...we just wish it were under different circumstances.

These pictures are my favorites from the entire summer. The one of our family is the first real family picture we have ever had taken. We all love it!


Sartori Fam said...

Great pics! I'm sorry that we didn't get to see each other this summer, things were so busy with the wedding ect... It sounds like you have been busy. Sorry about Tommy, I'm glad he is feeling better.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for updating!! I love the pictures.


knap said...

Oh my gosh the Pictures are so CUTE, and the FAMILY one is the best, I sure wished we could have got to see you while you were out this way.... Maybe one of theses days we will get over there to see you, and see Hawaii. take care, and tell everyone hello from all of us.

The Roundys :)