January 6, 2009

Christmas Eve

Isabelle and her Abuelita on Christmas Eve Roger, Jill and Isabelle

Isabelle and two of her favorite people here in Hawai'i
her Aunty Ashley (left) and Aunty Skylar

Sue and Lynn invited us to spend Christmas Eve with them and their family. We were so glad to be invited and had SO much fun. I can't imagine how quiet it would have been being alone at our house that night. Roger and I are so grateful for Sue, Lynn, Ted, Bev and all the rest of their family for all that they have done to go out of their way to make us always feel included. We truly feel like we have family here and having that feeling during the holidays means more to us than anything.

Isabelle and her Aunty Sue and Aunty Lynn with the YUMMY cupcakes and other treats made by Aunty Leona - we enjoyed the red velvet cupcakes for days!