September 4, 2008

fun weekend

This past weekend was really fun. We started out on Saturday by going to the Okinawan Festival at Kapiolani Park with Sue, Lynn and their family. It was a lot of fun listening to the music and even joining in and trying to dance along during the Bon Dance. The food was great too. We ate andagi (sort-of like a cake doughnut) andadogs, (hot dogs dipped into the andagi batter and then fried) and soba,(soba noodles with kamaboko-fishcake and shoyu pork). Roger really wanted the pig's feet soup- too bad we got there too late and they were sold out!
This picture is of Kennedy trying the Champuru Plate-veggies,tofu and shoyu pork stir fried and served with rice. On Sunday we got up and headed to Aloha Stadium for the swap meet. Can you believe this was our first time since moving here. Tommy had never been and we thought that was a place he really needed to check out. It was a lot of fun and really sweet to see how our kids all wanted to buy things for each other instead of for themselves (they all had their own money). It was hot though and I think by the time we made our way around we were ready to go. We headed home and got ready to meet our friends Beth and Oscar at Waikiki for some surfing, dinner and a movie. Oscar was great with Kennedy and Tommy and took them out surfing before the movie.
Every month they show movies on a giant screen on the beach in Waikiki (walking distance from our house)- it is called Sunset on the Beach. They have food vendors there as well as different groups or schools doing fundraisers and such. There is also live music and entertainment for 3-4 hours before the movie starts. They also show local independent films before the regular movie every time. We always have fun when we go and have really learned a lot about the Hawaiian people and the islands from our experiences there. It is one weekend every month and they usually show 2 different movies 2 nights in a row. If any of you are planning to visit you should check out the movie schedule. It is really fun and best of all it is FREE!

Monday was Labor Day so the older kids had no school and Roger had no work. We woke up early (6:15am) and headed to the North Shore for the day. We met up with Oscar and Beth again for the day at Waimea Bay. Beth's mom Kathy was visiting from California so she was there too along with some other friends of Oscar and Beth's. We had a wonderful day swimming, jumping from the rock, eating, playing in the sand and PADDLEBOARDING - our new love! Tommy hadn't tried before so we talked him into giving it a try. He got on, stood up and just took off. Before we knew it he was headed off into the horizon. He had NO trouble what-so-ever. He is a born paddleboarder. All of us on the beach were shocked at how easy it was for him. After that he pretty much stayed on the board all day. He talked me into going out again with him and he assured me that he could teach me how. I did do a lot better than my last try and can see why my kids love it so much.
Sunset on the Beach

T on the paddleboard

me on the paddleboard


Ronda said...

Hey Jill,
I love to look at your blog. You guys look like you are having so much fun in Hawaii. It is so beautiful there. I added you to my family and friends list on my blog, I hope that is ok. Keep in touch.